The Little Blue Book of Mental Health - COVID-19 Edition

The coronavirus pandemic has presented serious challenges to the mental health and wellbeing of Australian families, workers and individuals.

In response to these challenges to workplaces and the mental health of workers, ADA Australia has produced and published The Little Blue Book of MENTAL HEALTH – COVID-19 EDITION.

This easily-read book - written in plain language - provides strategies, information and advice for resilience, for positive thinking and ‘active coping’; for protecting mental health while working remotely; for recognising anxiety, depression and negative responses to stress and insecurity; for defusing frustration and anger and addressing gendered and family violence; for recognising and assisting others struggling with depression, anxiety and damaging negative thinking, and for addressing negative behaviours such as gambling, smoking and substance use.

It is available inexpensively for provision to your people, or to occupy lunchrooms, work vehicles, and any places where workers gather, and where the quiet advice it provides can help those who may be struggling with disorder or worried about others showing signs of mental distress.

ADA Australia also provides both face-to-face and online training workshops addressing workplace mental health. Contact us for more information.

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The clinically evaluated Little Blue Book of MENTAL HEALTH COVID-19 EDITION provides information, awareness and personal practices to help individuals and families ‘ride out’ the challenges and uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic and the disruption to lives, workplaces and communities it has brought.
For defusing frustration and anger and addressing gendered and family violence
For recognising and assisting others struggling with depression, anxiety and damaging negative thinking
For addressing negative behaviours such as gambling, smoking and substance use
For understanding and assisting children coping with anxiety
For resilience, for positive thinking and for ‘active coping’
For protecting mental health while working remotely (or in isolation)
For recognising anxiety, depression and negative responses to stress and insecurity