Team Leader Masterclass in Workplace Mental Health – Get It Right ‘At The Top’

June 23, 2023

Matthew Simons - BPsych (Hons)

Workplace culture is always defined from the top. This is why a workplace committed to mental health will work to establish a culture of respect that reaches right through the business.

It will have in place policies and procedures to ensure that the psychological health of its people is a priority and that every worker goes home each evening without the weight of work on their shoulders. For most employers, this makes sense: build a strong culture, and everyone will be more content and productive in the workplace.

Unfortunately, the statistics show that this isn’t always the case: 48% of Australian workers believe their workplace is mentally unhealthy, and 44% don’t believe “their most senior leader values mental health”. (See ADA’s The Little Blue Book of MENTAL HEALTH pp. 15 and 30). These numbers show that there are some clear cultural concerns and divided views within Australian workplaces.

Recently, ADA Australia had the opportunity to deliver our Workplace Mental Health – Team Leader Masterclass to around 50 delegates from the Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union (PPTEU).

This program aims to ensure that leaders within an organisation, and delegates as workplace representatives, have a broad understanding of workplace mental health and of effective preventative practices to avoid psychological injury to workers.

It provides attendees with advice on recognising gaps or failings in management and workplace culture, and, for delegates, on recognising stress, tension, and anxiety and mood disorders that may be triggered by workplace failings.

It is up to every Australian business to commit to best practice health and safety workplace management, and to have documented systems and procedures in place to protect the mental health and wellbeing of workers. It is no less than a requirement of work health and safety law.

Of course, a poor workplace culture won’t be changed overnight, but training your managers, delegates, or people leaders is a logical place to start. An ADA Australia People Leader Training Program for your workplace can be a first step to improving awareness and getting the culture right, from the Boardroom to the warehouse door.

If you’d like to learn more about this program, or any of the other training programs we offer, please call ADA Australia on 1300 378 429 or email:

Additionally, if this information raised any concerns for you, please do speak to your GP, they can help you back to good health, or call a helpline: LIFELINE 13 11 14 or BeyondBlue 1300 22 4636.

Article by
Matthew Simons - BPsych (Hons)