Talking 'Mental Health' With Our Sporting Clubs

August 23, 2023

Matthew Simons - BPsych (Hons)

For many of us growing up, our first experiences of camaraderie, passion and teamwork are on the sporting field. There are clear physical benefits for us every time we participate in our sport of choice. But the benefits for our mental wellbeing are just as, if not more important.

Not only does it provide us with social connection, but it also gives us an opportunity to switch off from the challenges that life throws at us, and instead, just focus on putting one foot in front of the other, scoring that goal, or getting around one of our team mates.

Unfortunately, we do see some sporting clubs adopt a toxic culture, particularly around drug and alcohol misuse, and poor attitudes around mental health.

Recently, the ADA Australia facilitation team visited the Yarraville Seddon Eagles Football Club, to discuss how these topics can impact the players and other members within the organisation.

The session touched on the risks that sit around drug and alcohol misuse, and how to spot the warning signs if one of your team mates may be struggling with substances, or using them as a coping mechanism for other life struggles.

The stigma around mental illness, not only in Australia, but also within sporting clubs was also discussed. We spoke about common mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, and that when left untreated they can progress to suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

The overall take home message, however, sits around talking, and normalising these conversations that are often perceived as “uncomfortable”.

We want to empower all who attend our workshops to understand that a simple “are you ok mate?” or “I’ve noticed you haven’t quite been yourself lately, do you feel like having a chat over a coffee” can be life changing for that friend who needs some additional support.

An ADA Australia training program for your sports club can be a first step to getting ‘the culture’ right, particularly around relationships, around looking after mental health and getting right their personal practices around alcohol and drugs.

If you’d like to learn more about this program, or any of the other training programs we offer, please call ADA Australia on 1300 378 429 or email:

Additionally, If this information raised any concerns for you, please do speak to your GP, they can help you back to good health, or call a helpline: LIFELINE 13 11 14 or BeyondBlue 1300 22 4636.

Article by
Matthew Simons - BPsych (Hons)