As the year draws to a close, many of us will be preparing for a well-earned break. Time off over the Christmas period usually means trips away, lots of food and memories made with our loved ones.
So, let’s make sure all those memories are happy ones!
Unfortunately, though, around this time of the year binge drinking (and drug use) can be a real risk. We all need to remember that ‘letting the hair down’ comes with risks – risks to our own wellbeing, and risks to others (particularly when cars and driving is involved).
Sometimes, these negative behaviours – drinking to excess, angry outbursts, risk taking – may spring from underlying feelings of loneliness, or of financial stress and other concerns that tend to pop up during the Christmas break.
So, why not use the break from the grind of work to reflect on our mental wellbeing. (And remember, it’s always best to talk to someone like a GP, or health professional, if worried about any thoughts we’re carrying.)
The ADA Australia ‘Well Connect’ app is one resource that can also be utilised to help. It’s right there on your phone.
The app is available to all ADA Australia clients (and their families) and contains ADA Australia’s entire suite of information and support around mental health and alcohol and drug use.
Have a look. Take yourself through the ‘Seven Flags Wellbeing Monitor’ to monitor your practices around alcohol and drug use, as well as work-life balance, workload stress, sleep practices, nutrition and more.
It can help recognise when things may be a little astray (and provides a direct connection to our Friendly Ear chatline as well as crisis support).
The App also contains information, advice and resources that users of ADA Australia’s online Worker Wellbeing Hub will be familiar with: sharp and informative five-minute videos on suicide prevention, unreasonable behaviours, depression and anxiety; plus advice and information around dependent drinking, addiction and much more.
So, don’t neglect your wellbeing and the safety of those around us at this time of year. Utilise your workplace resources for mental wellbeing. And if there are people in your life who are doing it tough, or who have experienced a difficult 2023, make sure to check in on them as well – a simple “Hey, how are you travelling?” will do it.

If this information raised any concerns for you, please do speak to your GP, they can help you back to good health, or call a helpline: LIFELINE 13 11 14 or BeyondBlue 1300 22 4636.
If you have any queries around your new ‘Well Connect’ app, or for training enquiries, please call us on 1300 378 429 or email: